Saturday, 2 March 2013

She has done what she could

This has not been a good week.

I made some mistakes. Had some interesting chats with atheists which challenged my lesser intellect. Haven't really felt like reading my bible too much. And worst of all, justified it by being "busy". Im all too aware that's not good.

I wasn't going to do a blog post this week; I didn't feel up to it, or good enough to do it. I did however read a verse earlier in the week, and I haven't managed to get it out of my head. It's found in the account of Mary, (the sister of Martha and Lazarus), when she anointed the head of the Lord Jesus. It's a verse that speaks all about how God views our efforts differently to those of the people around us.

She had bought an expensive bottle of perfume; a perfume meant to be used in burial. It cost her over a years worth of wages. Did she know the significance of her actions? "She has anointed my body beforehand for burial" was the Lords response.

The disciples criticised her behaviour; thought her show of affection was over the top. Were they simply jealous that this woman had a better understanding of the lord Jesus? Did they think He was worthy of the expensive perfume? Whatever we do for the Lord, there will always be those who are critical. I've experienced it, but more significantly I've done it. Questioned motives. Queried methods. But surely God is the only true judge of those? He knows our heart, not just our actions. He will judge our motives, not just our methods.

Mary would never be allowed to be a great teacher. She maybe never lead anyone to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Who knows if she ever did anything else for her saviour. When the family was being hospitable, she wasn't even busy in the kitchen like Martha. She was sat at the saviours feet. She was captivated by Him. What we do know is the words of the saviour; "She has done what she could". (Mark 14:8 ESV)

God doesn't always ask for millions of pounds, or for us to give up our jobs to preach full time. To go to the other side of the world as a missionary, or be the most knowledgable bible scholar in history. He wants us to "do what we can". You will be able to do different to me, and you won't be able to do the same as me; but we should be doing what we can.

Let us love generously, give willingly, care deeply, and most of all, leave the judging of others to God. He alone will reward rightly. As a friend of mine phrased it; "Those who seek the praise of men are rewarded by men on earth. Those who seek the praise of God gain their reward in heaven".

May we all "do what we can".
Hope you all have a great Sunday when it comes.

Some points to think about and comment on:

1) Would I give up a years wage for my saviour? What about a months?
2) How deep is my appreciation for his death and burial?
3) Am I actively critical of others?
4) Do I seek the rewards of men or God?

Yours in Him.


If you find this post or any of the others helpful, please share them with others.


  1. Enjoyed what you wrote here. It is such a trap to think that we have to be perfect or to bring a big offering before we can sit down with God. How many times have I, in my own faith walk, thought...I can't sit and read the Bible now I only have 10mins. Yet, God would rather we gave Him what little we have than nothing at all - and the irrefutable truth is that as we give our little, He will make it increase.

  2. Nice article. I admire Mary, Martha's sister. The Lord said she chose the good part.
