“God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.”
As a church we’ve just started a course called “Discipleship Explored”. So far
(Just had the second week out of eight) it has been extremely challenging.
Reading the words of Paul to the Christians in Philippi who were suffering persecution, we noted how it’d be easy for him to be wallowing in self pity and self lothing. Yet he isn’t.
He is more concerned about their welfare, their spiritual condition. Despite
his chains, Paul is an enthusiastic, determined man, grounded in his own
appreciation of God’s love and plans for his life. He was at peace that where
he was, he was meant to be. Being able to pray with Joy from a prison cell
while chained to a couple of Roman
soldiers isn’t the norm!
His great prayer for them
was that their love would grow, and in turn their knowledge. This would
ultimately allow them to be able to know right from wrong and make the decision
that would glorify God. The verse above has been on my mind ever since, and I’m
hoping it’s as encouraging for you as I’ve found it to be. The reminder that “God began doing a good work”. Not my own efforts, lest I
should slacken off or give up if it got difficult. Also, God is doing a work in
me which is unlike anyone else, and likewise the work he’s doing in you if you’re
a Christian (Are you prepared?)
is unique to you. God isn’t making robots which are all the same shape, size and with
identical gifts and abilities. He’s making a family, a “Body” or a “Building”,
with lots of unique parts that make up one harmonious object, all coming
together to bring glory to God.
I’m guessing you’ve failed God since you were saved? Yeah, surprisingly me too! Not just a few times either,
many occasions when sin prevailed and holiness lost. Did you notice that God “will
continue it until it is finished”, or “perfect” as some bibles phrase it. God
keeps building and building, allowing for the leaks, problems, stalling and
back tracking that sin brings to our growth, knowing that ultimately one day
the project will finally be finished, and at that moment, at God’s perfect
time, we will be made complete in the image of Christ.
We’re all at different
stages of the developments too, some are just at the foundation stage, newly saved
and freely relying on our Rock. Some perhaps are further on down the line, with many years of Christian living behind them meaning the building is nearing completion. Paul had reached that stage. Week two’s verse was “To me the only
important thing about living is Christ, and dying would be profit for me.”(Phil 1:21)
He was ready to go, with nothing earthly to tie him, and his love for Christ to
drive him.
Spiritually I feel that the building work has been delayed
in my life recently, maybe even stopped. Hopefully this course will be a big help in
once again creating the right conditions for work, and soon God can again
continue building. How is the building work going for you? What’s stopping the
work of God in your life? I’d love to know your thoughts or any comments you
have, especially other verses perhaps which come to mind? Also, if you find
this blog helpful, please feel free to Like, Share, and Retweet it. But
especially to share your thoughts.
In Him
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