Saturday, 16 February 2013


"God doesn't throw us out like an old antique, battered, damaged and broken; He lovingly restores us back to how He wants us to be."

Imagine being in Peter's shoes. He's feeling pretty bad about himself, fairly down. He's rejected the one person he had believed in whole heartedly. He had even promised that he'd follow Jesus all the way to death, but at the first sign of trouble he denied even knowing the Lord.

Peter must of had a lot of mixed emotions. The man who he had been discipled by for three years; who had allowed him to walk on water, raised the dead, been transformed in his presence, removed demons from the possessed and healed the sick had died. Was He a fraud? Why has He abandoned us? Wasn't He meant to be saving us from our enemies?

Peter was aware that he had failed. He had wept bitterly when he heard the cock crow. He had denied The Lord, and had felt the sorrowful stare of the Saviour. What now? Should he just return to fishing? Should he abandon the other disciples?

When the women who had faithfully followed Jesus came to the tomb early on the Sunday morning, they were expecting to find the large stone blocking their way to the body of the Lord. What they found however, was an open tomb, and an angel present. The angel said "Don't be alarmed! You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter "He is going ahead of you to Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you". (Mark 16:6-7 NIV Emphasis added)

"His disciples and Peter"! Jesus was aware how low, guilty, upset and a failure Peter must have been feeling; so He made sure that Peter knew he was personally being called. Peter couldn't say "Oh Jesus wants His disciples, and that doesn't include me". "I've failed Him once too often". 
I've been there. I've felt that "maybe that last sin was one too many?"; I've overstepped the line for one last time. The thought comes that "maybe I'm better off drifting back into the world; returning to my old ways. Ways that require less effort and fewer struggles".

That is not what God wants! He is all too aware of our failures; all of our faults and disappointing efforts are seen by Him. But, He doesn't abandon us! Praise God that He is long suffering and patient with each of us. His Grace is larger than our sins. He knows we can never be perfect. (SinLESS). He is calling us to repent and return. To confess and follow once more.

Peter is later restored to the group, and goes on to be a powerful man in the spread of the gospel. Am I going to just give up when I fail? Will I abandon everything that I've gained so far? "If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9 KJV). When a Christian sins, the door to Gods blessings aren't closed forever; but its important to confess our sin. Gods Grace will always out measure our sin, and His love means he's always ready to forgive. 

Yours in Him; hope you are all having a great weekend.



  1. Great thoughts, Dan. And well done to highlight a bit of Scripture ("and Peter") that most of us gloss over without any thought.

  2. This is great - I have LOTS do do!! It's a shame I'm such a rookie at website building...:/

  3. Thanks Ruth. Believe me, so am I! There's a good Christian blogging community on google+ where they give you pointers etc, really helped me learn where I was going wrong. Learning with each post, but the main thing is substance instead of presentation. No point in it looking good if the actual content is poor. Your 'aroma' post was really well written.

  4. Great post. I am so thankful that He does not throw us out like most people will.
