Thursday, 25 April 2013

Being Ready

I acknowledge that the last two posts (Testimony and Commendation) i’ve written were very personal, and quite long in length, so this post will be short. 

You may never be a David, Moses or Abraham........but will you be a Shamgar?

Looking back on your Christian life so far, how would you evaluate it? Has it been consistent? Has it peaked and troughed through periods of spiritual highs, and sinful lows? Mine, more often than not is like the second description. Sometimes we can be guilty of comparing ourselves to the great men of the bible. We look at the faith of Abraham, the trust of Joseph, the courage of Paul, the reign of King David, the wisdom of King Solomon, the spontaneity of Peter or the friendship enjoyed by Moses. 

I believe that God wants faithful, consistent lives lived for Him

I often feel that the work I try to do for the Lord is insignificant. That it doesn’t achieve any real results. That there doesn’t appear to be any blessing. But when did God promise to bless everything we do? At what point did He tell us all our efforts would bear fruit? He didn’t. He told us that “Salvation is of the Lord”. It’s His work and He will bless it and increase it when He sees fit. Also, He doesn't guarantee that we will have a life filled with momentous occasions when we write our names in history. I believe that God wants faithful, consistent lives lived for Him, waiting for any doors to open for Him to use us, whether for small victories or mighty battles.

When God calls, am I ready to serve Him?

In Judges 3:31 we read of one event in the life of a man named Shamgar. All we learn of him is the name of his dad, and that he killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad (Or “cattle prod”, it was a long, pointed, wooden stick). We don’t read about lots of events in his life, or about many great and wonderful victories. We read that when God needed him, Shamger was raised up and strengthened to defeat 600 members of the enemy. This isn’t one of the longest, deepest, or most encouraging posts......but I want to encourage myself and any readers with this thought; When God calls, am I ready to serve Him? I may only get one opportunity; God may use someone else if I say no. Am I ready? Am I listening? Am I willing? The result of Shamgar doing God’s will that day was that “He also saved Israel”. Perhaps God wants to use you to save someone today, are you ready?

After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed 600 of the Philistines with an ox goad, and he also saved Israel” - Judges 3:31

Thank you as always for reading and sharing these posts. May they be used for the Glory of God. In the comments section below, please leave your answer to this question... What work has God called you to do for Him recently?

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