Christmas reminds us that God has spoken in a fuller way. A lasting way. A clearer way.
It’s been so long since I’ve posted, my last blog will soon be nearly two years old! I’d like to be able to say I’ve been off on some adventures around the world (my last post was before I went to Angola for six weeks, so I guess that’s something), but life is currently the ordinary, necessary routine of life. The busy period of Carol Service invite distribution, teens practicing their lines (including pronouncing words which they’d never use in normal life), and Christmas parties. All while attempting to do my day job. Christmas cards have been written to relatives and friends who you never speak to all year round and presents bought for people who already have everything they need. But why? When we stop and think about how busy life is, why do we bother? Here’s a short post for now, I’ll try and write a little more in the New Year... should anyone want to read them ha ha.
Among all of the decorations, gifts and carols, there is one constant theme each Christmas time. God has spoken.
He’s done so before down the years through many prophets, priests and kings, telling us what He wants us to know. Christmas though reminds us that He’s spoken in a fuller way. A lasting way. A clearer way. (John 14:9)
After the angel Gabriel spoke to Joseph, Matthew quotes the prophet Isaiah, saying “The virgin will be pregnant. She will have a son, and they will name him Immanuel,” but adds “which means “God is with us.”
Matthew 1:23
No longer do we need to know how God feels about us. We never have to wonder if God cares, “God is with us”. The eternal, sinless, creator God has come to where we are. He came to tell us about the Father who loved us enough to send Him to us (John 3:16). Who sent his only son to become the saviour of anyone who trusts in Him (1 John 4:14).
We don’t need to wonder anymore if we can live a life ourselves that pleases God. The very fact that Jesus humbled himself to come means that we can be sure sin is a problem. A serious problem. It separates us from our creator, and removes the possibility of a relationship with God which He desires. We know He can’t be pleased with the choices we make, so we just cut Him out of our lives; pretend He’s not there. But He is there. In fact shown us He’s here, “God is with us”.
God didn’t want us to miss the fact that His son had arrived. Between the virgin birth, the mysterious star, the only baby wrapped in rags and sleeping in a manger in Bethlehem, He would make it clear. The most unique entrance into humanity was reserved for Jesus. John describes it by saying “The word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) Even Mary’s cousin Elizabeth experienced a miraculous birth, in order for God to have a messenger ready to proclaim the arrival of “the light of the world”!
Finally, we know that because He came, His promises are reliable, and He will be coming again. To take everyone who has trusted in him for the forgiveness of their sins to be in Heaven with him. So as we get caught up with the festivities, remember the significance of the first Christmas, “God is with us”.
If I don’t see you before, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
* please feel free to leave comments/ thoughts/ suggestions
In Him
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