Saturday, 21 March 2020

What if God hit pause?

This is just a thought. I can’t point to any particular Bible verse, or say with any certainty what the mind of God might be, but here are a few simple ideas about the current situation.

1. We live in such selfish and self centred times. Our natural human tendencies are currently being seen in the panic shopping, hoarding of goods, financial worry and feelings of loneliness and isolation. Am I trusting God is still in control of His creation?

2. The church in many places has become detached and irrelevant to the outside world. They don’t know us, trust us or care what we believe. If the outside world doesn’t come to us, do I go to them?

3. Christians, if anything like me, have become comfortable, dependant on ourselves and happy with the status quo. “We’re doing our best but people just don’t care”. Dutifully doing what we think is best, but how much is done out of genuine love of the Lord?

4. There is always somewhere to go, something to watch or listen to, something to occupy our minds every second of the day and night. Entertainment is 24/7. When do I give God any time? 

So what if God allowed, using His permissive will, an illness to spread to see what humanity would do? To see how His people would react? We know that to God, all life is precious, from the unborn child to the elderly adult. Each person passing away through Covid-19 has either accepted or rejected God’s wonderful offer of salvation, the chance to have their sins forgiven through faith in His son. The bible clearly shows “The Father sent the Son (Jesus) to be the saviour of the world”. 

But to a world (and maybe a church) so preoccupied with themselves, with lives so full of entertainment and sport, how does God reveal Himself? If you’d told me last year every cinema, club and bar, restaurant, cafe and sporting event were to be closed, not just in the UK but in many of the countries around the world, I’d never have believed you. But they have. Perhaps now, God can be heard.

But how? 

The Lord Jesus told His followers that “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:27‬

It’s really encouraging to see churches and Christians reaching out to their communities. They aren’t the only ones of course, but they’re showing the love of God to others. They’re also reaching out to other members of their church, behaving like a family would. Thinking “What are their practical needs? Would they like a phone call? Can I pray for them?”

They’re looking to meet the needs of others with what they have, sharing and not keeping it to themselves.

They’re looking to God with greater trust, because in the uncertainty of it all, what else can we do? It’s unprecedented. It’s unheard of. But in the uncertainty of it all, God remains the same, faithful and present. So many of us Christians are finally able to put into practice the advice of God to “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10. Self isolating and social distancing were unknown concepts (to me at least) until recently, but they’ve allowed us all a chance to slow down and appreciate the important things in life. To give God some quality time. 

Also, now that the churches can’t meet in person, they’re having to come up with ways to “meet”, to keep in touch. It reminds me of Peter’s letter to the “Strangers and pilgrims” who were scattered due to persecution. Peter’s advice was “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2:12‬ ‭

The one lesson I’m hoping to learn and put into practice is that the world is watching. What if they saw the measure and practicality our love? What if they saw the genuine nature of our faith? Whay if they saw that our hope was truly like an anchor for our souls? What if they saw that the church listened to the wisdom of God-gifted doctors and nurses? What if they saw that when difficulties came, the Church was the tangable body of God in this world. 

Wouldn’t that make all this worthwhile? 

Thank you for reading a few scattered thoughts, I’d love to know yours too. Please leave a comment below, particularly if you’ve a verse that you’re finding helpful. And as with all of these things, any sharing of the post to Christian friends is appreciated. 
For Him and His glory. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes amen. Perhaps this covid 19 is a wake up call both to the world that there is a God and to question their standing with Him and the matter of eternity. And for us the church, it's good for us to be still and know that He is God. Also it's a good time to spend more time in prayer, praying for one another and for our government, and meditation on God's Word. It's a good blog
